The reason for this Blog

We first visited Orkney in the early 90’s and fell in love with the Islands and their friendly people.Over the next fifteen years we tried to visit it two or three times a year, experiencing the differing times of the year. In 2010 various things happened that made us consider that if we were going to have our adventure and try living in Orkney then we should do it now, so we put our house, a Victorian Railway Station ( with no trains) on the market, right in the middle of the depression caused by the Banking crisis. Not the best of ideas, it took nearly fours years of ‘tyre kickers’ before we finally sold it in October 2014.

Our friends seem to be very interested in following our ‘madness’ and hence this Blog. I hope you enjoy it as we write about our experiences, if you don’t, then I can recommend instead.For some photos of the place that we finally decided to buy please take a look at Marks Flickr albumI think – I am sure – I speak for both of us when I say how grateful we are to our families and friends for making it so easy for us to follow our dream. Your understanding and encouragement has made it possible. And we can’t wait to get properly straight so you can come and visit us … what we regard as our own small bit of Orkney, complete with lots of history, lots of wildlife – and yes, we are told there are otters in “our” Mill Stream. Our dream. Your holiday home whenever you want to come!I have disabled the create account option because of an enormous amount of spammers trying to register. If you want an account so you can comment or be emailed when the blog is updated then please contact us.

Mark & Anna

NEW ! Our weather Station is up and running. Click Here

Plans of Mill Cottage before and after are here

GREAT NEWS! : My ( Mark ) youngest son, Oliver and his wife, Nicola, are to have a baby ! The baby is due 14th April 2017.