The Cinema

Anna and I decided to give the local cinema a try at the Pickaquoy centre, we went to see the film about the life of Stephen Hawking. The cinema is rather good and whilst it doesn’t seem to get the films on the first release it does seem to get them eventually. True it is a bit strange to see previews for films coming ‘This Christmas’ in February but I can cope with that.

We enjoyed the experience enormously. So much so, that when a couple of days later, our friends Jan & Colin came up to ‘baby sit’ Catherine Corsie’s animals for a few days and then they are coming to stay with us, we decided that on the Sunday as there was a special lunchtime showing of the movie ‘Paddington’, we should book tickets to this. Colin was a little doubtful on this choice but as it turned out everyone enjoyed the film enormously with lots of laughing and the odd squeal from the children, there with their parents.

We did feel a little out of place being four adults and no small child in tow, but what the heck, a great time was had by all and as the weather was rather wet, nobody felt that they missed out on sight seeing. We then went back for a rather splendid slow cooked meal and dessert cooked by Colin and Jan. We left them about four to go back for a relaxed Sunday afternoon.