Posted by Mark on Wednesday, 24 December 2014

I’m writing this on the morning of Christmas Eve, I probably will not be blogging tomorrow as we plan to go out to the ‘Ba’ at lunchtime.We have never see this event before and it seems to be a great social occasion, although it can be very cold as it goes on for hours in the streets of Kirkwall. I shall be taking the ‘proper’ cameras.
A couple of days ago we finally put our decorations up and there are some photos here, it did seem strange, as for many years, this has been a family event on Anna’s birthday and we have a ‘gang’ over to help us.
For a couple of nights the skies have briefly cleared and we have been treated to displays of Northern Lights, I put some photos that I took from our back garden of them, the photos are not great as I haven’t got the hang of taking these tricky things but it was still great to see them again.
So now we are ready for our first Christmas in Orkney, we will miss not being with our families this year but we will be seeing them in January sometime.
So from Anna and myself we wish you all a very happy Christmas! see you on the ‘other side’.