Posted by Mark on Friday, 2 January 2015

Well its another New Year, we had a nice lie in, and then after a bacon roll or two we got ready to go to the New Year Ba in Kirkwall. This event has a larger number of players and spectators than the Christmas day one and we had a great day.
It was much more difficult taking photos at this event because of the crowds and also the weather was not so good and the light was lower. So my efforts ware not great ( see flickr ) but I’m learning ( the blurred images are ‘artistic’ ). I was rather envious of the people with their small cameras/ phones on the end of ‘selfie sticks’ as they were able to get above the heads and umbrellas of the crowd.
Still we enjoyed the event and met up with a lot of our friends although it is difficult to recognise people under their scarves and hats that are the de rigeur dress for this time of the year up here.
Half way through, the play ground to a bit of a halt by the Tourist office so Anna and I decided to slope off for a warming drink in a local bar. It is the first time I have ever ordered coffee for myself in a pub! Not something that my dad would ever have approved of, but I needed warming up! The bar was heaving and we got chatting to a stranger in the bar who we got on with very well with and have been invited to visit his place when we are next passing. We then decided to go and get some chips from the local chip shop around the corner, I had smelt this place as we walked past and once the image of a pile of hot chips in paper with vinegar and salt had entered my mind there was only one thing to do. After eating our chips by the harbour, we felt ready to go back and watch some more of the Ba which we did and met up with some more friends before heading back home to warm up with a tot of the ‘Cask Sloe’ from the Orkney Wine Company that Steve had bought us for Christmas.
Here is wishing a Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone who knows us!