Tripping the Neolithic

Thanks for sharing

Posted by Mark on Tuesday, 9 December 2014


Having dropped Anna off at Kirkwall airport and gone back top bed ( she arrived in Beijing safely by the way ). When I woke, the blizzard had passed and as the forecast for a few days time was not good I decided that it was time to initiate ( or bore ) Steve with my Orkney Neolithic mini tour. So I planned that we would do Ring of Brodgar, Stones of Stenness, Barnhouse Village and finish up in Unstan tomb!

When we left the house I noticed that there were strange paw marks in the front lawn, they looked as if they may be otter, which is very exciting! ( photo )

Brodgar was fun trying to take pictures as the hail storms swept past us, boy did those hail stones sting! We just stood with our backs to the wind and roughed it out, but the reward was, great light for Steve’s photos. Barnhouse was treat and for those in the know, yes Steve turned the same way as everyone else does ( except Jasmine ). We then had a quiet time warming up ( well sort of, really a case of not getting any colder ) in the bird hide on Harray loch.

Steve enjoyed Unstan tomb, his second such experience after Maeshowe. We had a play with painting with light and he got some great photos. We both ended up rather wet and muddy ( see photo of Steve )




Thanks for sharing