One of the byproducts of the eclipse are the extreme tides that often follow. I see that the media are saying that these tides are threatening to swamp London and are caused by a ‘Super Moon’ well sorry guys, I know that the majority of the news writers today are interns straight out of Uni, but these tides have been going on since shortly after the earth was made and the moon torn off it. So nothing new except that hundreds of stupid developers have now built as close to water as possible in the mistaken belief that a bit of well placed concrete can hold back the elements. I must say that I haven’t see a low tide quite as low as this here before. We went down to Stromness at the weekend and half the harbour was empty (see photo )! The ferry had to leave at a different time because of this. As we drove around the island the extended beaches were being investigated by beachcombers looking for stranded shellfish one assumes for eating.
Or fireplace is now up and running, although the concrete on the top of the chimney is still drying off and so the scaffolding has not gone yet. The stone plinth and mantle piece are polished and treated with linseed oil and really look great. It took me a few nights to get the hang of the stove mainly because I was being very cautious for the first few nights as we were told not to over stack the fire to let things bed in and temper with the heat first. But now it is working a treat and has made a big improvement to the room ( see photo ).
The final photo was spotted in a car park here and is one resident’s way of dealing with road rage it seems! The guns are mercifully fake ( I hope ). The interior has several pieces of steam punk items, quite a unique vehicle!