Posted by OrkneyFan on Wednesday, 7 January 2015

More large storms and sea swells are predicted so expect some great pictures soon!
It has started raining here but of course you would know that by looking at our weather station! : ) but at least the lightening is not expected this time.
The last storms managed to force water into the LNB of our internet satellite connection, this didn’t seem to effect it too much but I climbed up a ladder and made a small hole to let the water out as the “clip on” cover would not “clip off”, but at least it kept working.
It is going to be a busy week as we have already had a visit from Dave Major who is going to be sorting out the fireplace in the sitting room for us. The plumber is coming to renovate the shower so that it is not on the point of seizing. We have had some changes to the plans drawn up and are now ready to submit these to the planning department. We are going to have an insulation survey done to see what will be needed when we start work and if we qualify for any grant. I have finally fixed the garage door so it doesn’t keep banging in the wind and I brought another UPS in from there to run the TV setup ready for the storms and to stop the TV recorder from recording only half of the program.
I also want to configure up the three ADSL routers that finally arrived to replace our blown up one, this time I will save their set up so Richard doesn’t have to reconfigure them from scratch should they blow up again.
We finally got a fully working version of the clock that I bought Anna for her birthday, it is in fact three clocks, one conventional , one moon phases and one tides. Anna has always wanted a tide clock and this seemed to fit the bill !