Posted by Mark on Friday, 28 November 2014

Woke up to a lovely clear day and as I was making breakfast I noticed from the kitchen window that is was getting misty very quickly. I popped outside to take a look and across the road where the ‘Mill Dam’ ie the mill pond used to be there was a low mist slowly rising up from the ground. I took a quick picture of this almost magical scene, which is just as well, as five minutes later it had completely disappeared, a real ‘Scotch Mist’.
We got ourselves ready as we had been invited to the annual meeting of Orkney Tourism, our friend Julie suggested that we might like to come and show our faces. So we put some smartish clothes on and headed for the Pickquoy centre in Kirkwall. When we got there, there was a good turnout and we met up with Sam who is one of the leading lights in Orkney Tourism. We had in fact looked at her house when we were house hunting, it is a fantastic place and we nearly bought it, but…. we then discovered Mill Cottage. After a brief apology from us about not buying Sam’s place, which was laughed off, we had a great chat and agreed to meet up socially soon. The conference was very interesting to see all the forth coming ideas and plans to promote Orkney as well as the launch of the web site which it is planned to become a ‘portal’ to other Orkney related sites.
We couldn’t stay for the afternoon session as we both had work to do, then it was party clothes on for the evening dinner dance in Kirkwall at the St Magnus Centre held by the Tourist board. We had a great evening, the buffet food was yummy with an amazing beef wellington and the most incredible chocolate desert thingy. The band was The Polkadots and they played a lot of 50’s and 60’s dance numbers. Anna and I did get up and have a little ‘shimmy’ : )
Back home and for me as designated driver, a nightcap of 18 year old Laphroig and bed by 1 am ready for the plumber who promised an 8am visit. A promise that was not believed to happen by our friends at the dance and a 50p wager was set !