Posted by Mark on Friday, 7 November 2014

Friday – a bit later – After the container was in place we were ready to start unloading. We had decided to keep the cats in their cage in the kitchen, that way they would feel safe but still be able to see what was going on and making all the strange noises, in fact they slept through most of the day!
The unload when fairly well although I was getting seriously worried as more and more boxes marked ‘office’ came into the dinning room which was to be our temporary office until the extension is built. It turned out that most of these boxes were incorrectly labelled and were for the garage here, Phew!
The Team leader from Pickfords was worried about getting our rather large sofa in when the local unloader informed him the Orcandian traditional doors are narrower than modern doors, however with a lot of skill and removal of the feet of the sofa the task was completed. One half of the sofa went into the dining room / office and the other half and corner piece went into the sitting room, job done!
The unloading was completed by 3pm and after everyone bid farewell we set about unpacking. It is great to have the removal company do the packing up but one problem we have found and are still finding is that random items are put in boxes labelled as something different! lt appears to just be a way to fill the box near the end of packing. So, for example, the box marked ‘TV’ had our pillows in which we needed for the night !
The cats watched us from the window sill, doing their best to mimic the ECats logo! After several hours of unpacking we decided the time was right for lighting a fire and a glass of wine. I had set up the TV but must confess that it is a little large for the small sitting room! It will eventually live in the much larger dining room but it will do for now!
The house was starting to look like home, we had made a long list of things we needed to get tomorrow on Saturday from Kirkwall and so we settled down to watch a recorded TV program ( no aerial yet )
The stress levels were starting to ebb.