Posted by Mark on Friday, 16 October 2015
T’is Friday and mid-morning the kitchen turned up. The painters were still putting the last coat on the walls but were very good humoured working around the units. This particular kitchen is built by the German firm of Nobilia and designed and supplied by Kelly of Orkney Kitchens. All the units arrive fully assembled, no flat packs here, and as a consequence they seem to take up an awful lot of room! ( see photos ) The large ‘breakfast bar’ counter looks fantastic but you will have to wait a little longer before a photo of that as it is currently upside down in the pile!
Peter, Bruce and Ross have been continuing with the blockwork outside and fitting the lintels and the window ledges, it is all looking great. We are very happy with the way things are progressing and a lot of our friends here have expressed surprise at how quickly things are going, but don’t tell Ross that!
We have ordered the light fittings for the rooms as well as the ceiling speakers from KEF which arrived today, it is all a bit like Christmas coming early!
Workwise it has been busy here with Children in Need coming up. Anna has almost caught up on her sleep a couple of lie in’s at the weekend should see her fine. The weather has been great here with very little wind and about 13 deg. The geese entertain us during the day with their large squadrons flying in and out making quite a racket, the startlings are populating the power wires en-mass. There is an amazing amount to watch and even the midges who come out when the wind drops, seem to have stopped biting, or perhaps we are just getting used to them!