Posted by Mark on Thursday, 13 November 2014
Monday – First full day’s work in the office which is in the dining room until the extension gets built. It isn’t in its final form as we are still sorting out the best arrangement to get our phones and VPN working over the Satellite, they are working fine over our ADSL but at 0.5M it’s not something we can live with for long. The issue seems to be that we may have to upgrade to the professional package of Tooway, not a big issue as it offers more data capability which we are going to need as 10G a month is proving not to be enough for us, but we did suspect that anyway. Richard is still doing tests his end so we shall see. Other than those two issues the Satellite system is working very well, even in the winds that we have had here, although we haven’t had a ‘true Orkney’ storm yet, apparently the dish is designed to fold in winds over 140 mph! Once folded it would be a case of a new dish though!
Tomorrow we are expecting a visit from Julie, a friend who runs a very successful B&B called Straigona near Kirkwall airport and is a source of lots of information about Island life.