Posted by Mark on Thursday, 13 November 2014

Sunday – The last of the boxes marked ‘kitchen’ were unpacked and Anna now has a working kitchen! After a morning of this we decided to take a trip to Skara Brae to see if any of the friends we have made amongst the staff, were on duty. It is only a three minute drive away! We were in luck as Chris was there and we had a great chat with him, telling him our news of the move. The sun was shining and the bay was looking stunning.
Nimbus now has a sort of routine in the morning of eat, then go out for a while and then back to sleep most of the day ready for more eating in the evening and an other trip outside. Phercad is still reluctant to go outside and needs to be ‘bundled up’ and put out only to come back in within a few minutes, I’m sure he will get there but he is a bit of a scaredy cat! Other than that he seems happy enough.
The evening was taken with watching the Grand Prix in front of our roaring open fire, very cosy.